Starting November 24, 2024, Troop 889 will bring back our much-anticipated Christmas Tree and Wreath sales, running through December 15, 2024, or until supplies last.
Find the perfect tree to celebrate the season! We offer a variety of 6–14 ft trees, including a limited inventory of towering 10′, 12′, and 14′ trees. Be sure to arrive early for the best selection.
Troop 889 is gearing up for another amazing season of selling Christmas Trees and Wreaths to our community.
First day of sales will be November 19, 2023 and we will sell until the last tree is gone or December 17th (whichever happens first). Last year we sold out in 3 weeks!
Looking for tall trees? We will have a very limited supply of 10′ ,12′ and 14′ trees this year. Come early for the best selection.
Registration is ONLINE this year! There is a separate form for Scouts, Adults and Merit Badges. See the information packet for registration links.
Note that we currently have only 75 spots for boys, with no guarantees we can get more at this point. If you are certain you want to go to summer camp, please register ASAP. But only register if you are going to pay! Mr. Nicolellis will collect fees, at upcoming Troop meetings.
Scouts need Medical form “C” for camp, so start setting doctors/doc-in-a-box appointments.
Adults also need Medical form “C” and DHS clearance (if not already obtained last year).