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Join Troop 889!

New to Scouting?

Not all new Boy Scouts joining our Troop were previously involved in a Cub Scout Pack. Annually, a number of new Scouts register who are completely new to the Scouting experience. If this describes your son, check out this list of requirements for joining a Boy Scout Troop.

If your son is interested in joining Naperville Boy Scout Troop 889, come visit us at a Troop Meeting, or contact our Scoutmaster or  Membership Chair for more information.


Are your Webelos II’s crossing over and looking for a Boy Scout Troop to join? Troop 889 has active camping, advancement, service projects, and high adventure programs!

If you would like to schedule a visit with our Troop, we are currently implementing new scheduling procedures for Webelos visits so please contact our Scoutmaster or Membership Chair for available dates, programming, and more information that you may need.

Why Choose Scouting?

If you’re looking for a fun activity for your son when there is nothing more important to do, or if you’re looking for an entertaining place to leave your son while you do other things, you need to sign him up for daycare.

If you’re looking for a fun activity for your son that will change his life, and make him a more responsible and well-trained adult, and you are willing to involve yourself in his activities, then get him involved in Scouting immediately!

A well-rounded boy should be involved with his family, place of worship/religion, school, Scouting, band, sports, or any other activities in which he partakes. Our program makes time for these other important commitments. BUT, if your son has one or two commitments that often preclude most other involvements, his life is too narrowly focused for his age.

Scouting is GAME with a PURPOSE—to develop future leaders of:

  • Strong Character
  • Good Citizenship
  • All-around Fitness

The eight methods used by all good troops make Scouting unique:

  • Scouting Ideals (Promise, Law, Motto, Slogan)
  • Patrol System
  • Advancement
  • Outdoor Program
  • Adult Role Models
  • Leadership Development
  • Personal Growth
  • Scout Uniform


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